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Opening Feb 2025
Interest 2 Offer Recruiting Management
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Recruiting Tips and Expectations

Rate Schools To Your Preference

Resources for Academic Eligibility

Manage Your Offers and Financial Aid

College Application and Testing Resources

All Members Get Access to Everything
  • I2O College Rating Tool — Sure you are being evaluated by various schools, but here is where YOU evaluate the schools recruiting you and determine how well they fit YOUR needs. Rate by culture, location, interest in you, roster, and more. See how they stack up and what they can offer you as a student and as an athlete.

  • I2O College Worksheet — Have you applied, been accepted, or completed your FASFA? What are the costs for Tuition and Room & Board? How much in Financial Aid and Scholarships are you getting? This is where you track everything.

  • I2O Qualifier Checklist — Where do I go to apply to a school? Do I need to fill out an application for every school I’m interested in? Where do I go to ensure I am NCAA or NAIA eligible? Where can I get information on SAT and ACT testing? All the links and information are here.

  • I2O Report — Summary reports that give you all the information you need to narrow things down so you make the best choice for you and your family.

In addition, you will also get:

  • Ability To Rate Offers by Academic, Sports, and Personal Preferences

  • College Application and Scholarship Resources

  • Recruiting Tips and Tricks

  • Access to all content

  • And Much More…

Interest2Offer Member Benefits
I2O has all of the tools you need to pick the right school.

It’s All About You

Learn to Rate Schools according to your preferences, needs, and expectations. We empower you to evaluate schools and coaches in a way that ensures you make the best choice for you. We help you ask the right questions so you get the right answers.

Properly Evaluate Your Options

Learn everything you need to know about the recruiting process and see how each school rates against what’s important to you and your family. We empower you to evaluate schools and coaches in a way that ensures you make the best choice for you. 

Resources For Academic Eligibility

Learn about the clearing houses and the role they play in determining if you are eligible to play or not. Also where to apply, when, and how this helps you. How about SAT or ACT testing? Which one should you take and how often? Is taking one test enough?

Is It Affordable

Run a simple report to determine if it makes financial sense to pursue a school. How much do schools really provide in athletic scholarships? Full, Partial, None? It may be a great fit but does it fit your wallet?

Contacting Coaches

What do you say and how often should you write or call? What’s the best way to put together your highlights? What are coaches looking for? How do I get their attention? What’s better? A phone call or email?

Recruiting Management

Our I2O system allows you to efficiently and effectively manage and evaluate your offers to play. Manage your data here instead of holding all of it in your head or on notes around the house. Join and start your journey today, knowing you are making the best decision of your life. The right decision.